Monday, June 1

Latest Regret #1345.4A: Not Learning Lindy Hop

I love swing dancing. East coast swing dancing, let me clarify. Westies out there will be horrified if I don't specify. They are serious. Like gang serious. 

But the thing is, like working out, me going dancing doesn't happen enough. Every so often on wednesday or saturday when dancing is nigh in Dallas, (which it is yearly-ask me! We'll go as per your impetus), I finally get myself on the dance floor, provided there are people there with me (at least one, and not even a girl). I love it! And I dream to learn more.

I want a great pair of shoes so I can finally do the Lindy hop! It's such a fast, exuberant dance that can really get crazy! If you haven't seen it, get on that: 

Not sped up a all either. Those dancers are legit. I have seen this. 

So I'll be able to do that. One day. That's the dream. 
I can dance that fast in my heart, I just need someone to learn with!
Doesn't it just look amazing? 

Sons of Hermann Hall, every wednesday 5$ 
and Sammon Arts Center, every saturday 7$! Better than a movie, I swear.


Unknown said...

Oh, God, Lindy is the greatest thing ever---if you can ECS you can Lindy (you're right about WCS... it really is a whole different world!). And you don't need someone to learn with. Take a class on your own if you have to. If you're a good lead, followers will find you (trust me, as a follow I will hunt to the point of stalking good leads on the dance floor... I even learned to lead because there is a serious Lindy lead drought). Anything you can do in East Coast you can do in Lindy, the bones are just a little different so it takes a little tweaking. But if you have a solid foundation in East Coast, you should have no trouble picking up Lindy.

I started dancing when I was 15 and didn't have anyone to dance with. I was in a room full of people twice my age and it was weird. But I've never regretted it once--I've been dancing for 11 years.

Go. Dance. Lindy is the greatest dance out there once you start you won't regret starting.

Unknown said...

Lindy hop is seriously THEE best thing in the world. I can't stop that lindy hop, it's like embeded in my soul.

If you want to learn, you can! It's only yourself that will ever get in the way of you learning, find a dance nearby if you can, local colages and all that often offer it, check your library for Frankie manning videos in the VHS section, if aren't nearby any dances then travel! There's many youtube videos that teach the basics. Do anything!

But if you really want to transform your dancing, you got to go to a lindy exchange, doesn't matter which one, their all awsome. they are all over the world all the time, you go and dance your brains out for all hours of the morning and night, workshops, competitions (even if you just watch it's amazing) and at the end you will be sad to go home. Last one I got around 13 hours of lessons, and many more of social dancing.

this website is a huge list of exchanges, Beg borrow or by your way to one. If you can't pay for a hotel many people will let you sleep on their floors.

Their waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so since I'm already creeping on all of your blogs, I decided to creep on this one too and earn full Creeper Status. I do ballroom dancing here (do you know about it? if not you SHOULLDDDDD!) and lo and behold we JUST finished east coast swing LAST WEEK!!!! As I've been bragging to everyone there, it is also my favorite dance (it's way easier than the tango - let me tell you!) and I feel like a girl in a poodle skirt when I dance. FO REALZ, if you ever want to go with someone who isn't afraid to make mistakes and step on feet, I am up for it!!! It's a workout and it's a blast and the music is ALWAYS good. :D


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