Tuesday, February 12

Custom Cups

So here's a fun idea which is really applicable to Starbucks (or any other mass-consumed brand of coffee served in post-consumer waste recycled cups with similarly processed sleeves). It's a sort of further step in the trend of individualization advertising seems to be taking nowadays.

I was drinking some coffee (Starbucks, I'll admit) the other day and got to looking at my sleeve. Now I know Starbucks usually decorates their sleeves, mine, being a generic school purchase, was decorated. So: I decorated that and another sleeve above.
I think this concept is really cool-individual sleeves! I think Starbucks drinkers could go online and draw their own sleeves of have materials at the store available to draw with stencils or something nearby. I realize this may seem a waste on something that just gets thrown away. HOWEVER-what if we made the sleeves out of a similarly recycled material that was reusable? Or if online, there was a sort of forum or contest for the best sleeve designs? Somehow the personalized sleeve, following in the footsteps of the personalized gift card, should be incorporated into the Starbucks (or coffee-to-go) experience.
Check out my sleeves I sketched in theatre history above!

1 comment:

Kozy-D said...

Great idea! This is another cool sleeve option you might like.




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