Not to say work/preparation/effort are at 0% at all. No, I'd say they're at 74-76.5% out of 100%. But you know, you just stop after the ideas trickle and cease and you just want to sit around for days instead of actually working? Maybe you'll toss the problem a couple minutes of thought but nothing too concentrated-even though the deadline looms agonizingly close and huge! What's up with this habit of work? Is it common? It certainly isn't welcome.
But check out this Russian and Brazilian graffiti I found recently as part of my researches! I loved it. And to imagine living near this just makes me smile. Enjoy work I certainly didn't do but respect! Civil disobedience can be so rewarding sometimes.
isn't it wonderful how Pemuky (the artist) used the moss and cracks and local foliage to make this work so integrated into its surrounding?!!
Check out more at this fantastic archive:
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