Thursday, February 14

Transformation of Reification

Reification: the transformation of an experience otherwise intangible into something "consumable" that leads to both a revolutionary and reactionary response.
Think of the Rolling Stones, for an example. When they debuted way back when, they were the leaders of a movement of rebellion, of defying authority in a new sense. So as fans listened, they believed in the idea of the revolution of the Stones, but in reality, they were also stricken by a reactionary desire to not do anything about it. Vietnam era-some fans of this musical time period actually got up and went to the streets and college quads while everyone else agreed with the movement only in talk.
And how about today? The Stones are all over merchandise: pajamas at Target, playing the Superbowl, backpacks and keychains. For better or for worse, the institution they revolted against eventually accepted them and turned onto their side and, in a reactionary move, took the once-"revolutionary" music back to the traditional "status quo" of capital gain. The original art was reified into a diluted, marketable "thing", no longer a pulsing, intangible idea.
Alright then. So where does advertising play in? It seeks to be revolutionary and reactionary at the same time: to sell things in new ways but still sell things...right? It isn't just one thing-advertising reifies the creativity and work of those who create it for it to be "consumable".

But what if some advertising was only revolutionary?

What would that look like? the "truth" advertising campaign is a good place to start looking. But there's got to be more...more action, more chance for re-action, and less reification of powerful ideas. We'll have to wait to see what's to come! Or do it ourselves...

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